One of the most frustrating things about Internet dating is not knowing if you are doing it right. Let Amateur Match be your guide on this issue with their awesome Amateur Match online dating blog. It is power packed with tips to help you make the right choices and avoid the pitfalls that can bemoan someone in your position. has too many women right now. No seriously. They are actually running at a deficit for men. That is why they need you. To help balance the site out. You would be doing a service to the women out there that are fighting over guys trying to get a date.
Once you have a profile online it doesn’t take long to have women hitting you up to chat. Very few of them will be looking for a long term relationship so it is advisable to go straight to the sex questions.
There are times you might feel uncomfortable because you will have so many hot women trying to talk to you at once. Make sure to be honest, or in the least, come up with a story, but stick to it like glue.
Happy hunting and make sure you tell them I sent ya!